- The Qualifying examination should be completed before the end of third academic year after the enrollment.
- Students must pass all the compulsory courses before applying the Qualifying Examination, and should complete the application process at beginning month of each semester.
- The Qualifying Examination consists of oral examination on a submitted written non-thesis or thesis proposal. Qualifying examination can be taken only once per semester.
- The qualifying examination is choose between the main thesis or non-thesis of oral examination.
non-thesis:two non-thesis topics along with the main research project, director and deputy directors decide the topic of non-thesis proposal.
main thesis:research project (the research subject and direction are changed after QE, a new application must be submitted; Those who fail must change their research project or take the QE again). Qualifying Examination Committee consists of 3 to 5 members, at least one member must be a full-time tenured faculty from this Institute. At least one third of the members should be from the external Institutions. Main thesis advisor is excluded.
The process flowchart:
Choose your adviser professor and constitute the thesis advisory committee.
Submit a completed application form(Choose between the main thesis or Non Thesis),
non-thesis: two non-thesis topics along with the main research project (all with abstracts)
main thesis:research project (abstract), (the research subject and direction are changed after QE, a new application must be submitted; Those who fail must change their research project and take the QE again)
The institute director and deputy directors will decide a topic for your non-thesis proposal, and also recommend one full-time tenured faculty from the Institute of Medical Sciences as your Qualifying Examination Committee member.
Your thesis advisory committee recommends two to four members for your Qualifying Examination Committee (at least one third of the members should be the external member of the Tzu Chi University).
Confirm the date for your Qualifying Examination. ↓ Submit your non-thesis proposal two weeks before the Qualifying Examination (an electronic copy and 3 printed copies).
The Qualifying Examination.